Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to Hide a Hickie

For Guys:
First of all congrats! I don't know why you'd want to cover it up anyways? I'd be showing it off? Unless she's a fatty. I've heard that icing it then putting heat to it and massaging it will make the blood dissipate out of it faster but who knows if that works? Maybe try breaking into your mom's or sister's make up center and do a terrible patchy touch up job that will probably draw more attention anyways.. I'd say your best bet is to walk around and when people look at you weird, just smile and say that she was hot.

For Girls:
This is easier for you gals. Wear a scarf. But if its the middle of July and 100 degrees outside, you could try covering it up with makeup instead. Or maybe try the icing then heat then massaging that I mentioned above but who knows if that will work anyways? Last resort and probably the worst idea - say that you burned yourself with your curling iron? I don't know the best option. All I know is you need to make sure to not let your dad see the damage.

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